
Understanding Insurance Policies

Getting Health Insurance For Your Newborn

During your pregnancy, your health insurance will cover OBGYN appointments, medication you may need, and the baby delivery, but what happens when your baby is here? Will your insurance continue to cover your baby's needs? Unfortunately, no. However, you do have many options to provide insurance for your newborn.

Insuring a newborn baby

  • Adding your baby to your existing coverage: As a parent, you can add your newborn onto your insurance plan. This option can be easier, as you already have an account established with that provider. 
  • Buying an individual policy: If you feel your insurance coverage does not offer enough coverage or benefits, you may find it more suitable to buy your baby his or her own individual policy. This will allow you to buy a plan around the health of your baby.  
  • State insurance programs: The average cost of insurance for a newborn is $400 a month, which is a high expense. If you cannot afford a plan in this price range, you may want to consult with your local health and human services center. They will assist you with getting insurance, which is funded by the state, so you can guarantee your baby receives coverage, without having to dry out the bank.  

Choosing and insurance provider you can be happy with:

When selecting a new insurance provider, you will have to use the pediatricians, hospital locations, and benefits they offer, so be certain your baby is going to receive great medical care by:

  • View the list of pediatricians: Your pediatrician will be the one making all the important calls, from telling you when to vaccinate your baby, what and when to feed your baby, and how to protect your baby's overall health. Finding a pediatrician you are comfortable with, as well as a pediatrician who has a great background in the field is important for these reasons.   
  • Find a local hospital: Emergencies do happen, so be prepared. It is important you seek a hospital that operates with up to date technology specifically focused on baby care. Make sure they have X-ray machines, Cat-scans and ultrasounds that are able to detect the overall health of your baby.  
  • See what coverage is included: Babies often times need medicine or a little more medical care than other babies. Be certain you find coverage that will cover the cost for any baby medicine, such as vitamins or any medications your pediatrician has prescribed for your baby. Also, make sure you are not limited with the amount of visits you are able to Make, as you may find yourself bringing your baby into your pediatrician office over every little bump or ache.  

Heath insurance for your newborn is important. Taking your time to research and choose one that will assist you in making the right calls for your baby's health will ensure you keep your baby healthy and happy during their time growing up. 

About Me

Understanding Insurance Policies

If you need to purchase any type of insurance, you should learn about the different kinds of policies before signing up. It's also important to compare each type of policy and determine how much of a deductible you can afford to pay if necessary. Hello, my name is Debbie Janson and I'm glad that you discovered my insurance blog. I started doing research on insurance when I decided to get a new policy. I wanted better insurance coverage at a cheaper price. After learning about insurance and the different terms that are often used to write up a policy, I felt confident that I could purchase the best insurance for my needs. I've written down the information that I've learned in this blog so that I can help others better understand their insurance policies too.

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