
Understanding Insurance Policies

5 Questions About SR-22 Insurance For Drivers That Need It

Have you had your license taken away because you did something irresponsible on the road? It is likely that you'll need SR-22 insurance in order to get your license back and be legally allowed to drive again. Here are a few questions that you likely have about this special type of insurance. What Incidents Would Require SR-22 Insurance? Every state has its own laws regarding when SR-22 insurance is necessary, but it is typically due to an existing state law about a particular offense or a court order from a judge. Read More 

Why You Should Get Insurance Quotes For Medical Malpractice Insurance Before Opening A Medical Practice

You might have decided that you want to open a medical practice, and you might have a long to-do list of things you're supposed to do before you can open that practice. One thing that you should add to your to-do list if you haven't already is looking for medical malpractice insurance quotes. It's something that just about anyone who is thinking about starting up a medical practice should do for these reasons. Read More 

Protecting Yourself with Auto Insurance Coverage

The decisions that you make concerning your auto insurance policy can be critical for protecting you against some of the liabilities that come with operating a vehicle. While auto insurance policies can be common, they will still be highly complicated contracts that will require a person to be thoughtful and thorough as they are evaluating the various competing policies that they are considering buying. Mistakes With Choosing An Auto Insurance Policy Can Result In Surprising Costs Read More 

Looking For Homeowner’s Insurance? 3 Factors That Determine The Premiums

Insurance companies have a list of factors when deciding and setting your premium rates. Two people cannot have the same premiums because you cannot have two houses with the same exact conditions. Therefore, you should read and understand the factors that determine the premiums beforehand. When you comprehend them, you can either get quotes from different companies or make minor changes that will work in your favor. Here are four factors that determine the premiums. Read More 

Business Interruption Insurance: The Investment You May Be Overlooking

When it comes to business insurance, most business owners understand the basics of commercial coverage for their property and inventory, as well as the necessary liability protection in case of injuries or lawsuits. What many don't think about is the advantages of business interruption insurance. Here's a look at some of the things that you should understand about business interruption insurance.  Defining Business Interruption Insurance Even if you've been thorough about protecting your company's capital investments and liability risks, you may not have given any thought to the effects of catastrophic problems. Read More 

About Me

Understanding Insurance Policies

If you need to purchase any type of insurance, you should learn about the different kinds of policies before signing up. It's also important to compare each type of policy and determine how much of a deductible you can afford to pay if necessary. Hello, my name is Debbie Janson and I'm glad that you discovered my insurance blog. I started doing research on insurance when I decided to get a new policy. I wanted better insurance coverage at a cheaper price. After learning about insurance and the different terms that are often used to write up a policy, I felt confident that I could purchase the best insurance for my needs. I've written down the information that I've learned in this blog so that I can help others better understand their insurance policies too.

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