
Understanding Insurance Policies

Upgrades To Your Home You Should Tell Your Insurance Agency About

Each time you experience major changes in life, you should notify your home insurance agency, but did you know that you should also notify them when you make upgrades to your home? Making upgrades to your home may make your home safer or may add value to your home, and you should make sure you notify your insurance company if you make any of the following upgrades.

Adding a Pool or Hot Tub

If you decide to place a pool or hot tub in your backyard, it's a good idea to notify your insurance company. The insurance company may want to recalculate your insurance costs based on this new addition, but that is not the only thing they can do. Your agent may also help you understand rules you must follow now that you have a pool. For example, you might be legally required to place a fence all the way around your pool to prevent people, kids primarily, from wandering into your yard and drowning in your pool.

Insurance typically costs a little more after adding a swimming pool but insuring the pool will offer you protection if anything happens.

Upgrading the Electrical or Plumbing

If you make any major changes to your home's plumbing system or electrical system, you should also notify your insurance company. When a home has an old plumbing system or electrical system, the home typically has a higher risk of experiencing problems. This can include flooding from broken pipes or fires from electrical hazards.

When you upgrade, your home will become safer, and your insurance company will probably offer you a discount on your policy as a result.

Replacing the Roof

The other major upgrade you should tell your insurance agent is roof replacement. A typical roof will last a long time, but a roof will not last forever. If you are ready to replace yours, or if you recently did so, your insurance company will want to know. Generally, insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners after they replace their roofs. A new roof offers a lot of protection over an entire dwelling, and people with new roofs rarely make claims on their homes for storm damage and things of that nature.

If you perform any type of major remodeling project, let your insurance company know. If you are interested in getting a free quote for home insurance, contact an insurance agency today. To learn more, visit a website like

About Me

Understanding Insurance Policies

If you need to purchase any type of insurance, you should learn about the different kinds of policies before signing up. It's also important to compare each type of policy and determine how much of a deductible you can afford to pay if necessary. Hello, my name is Debbie Janson and I'm glad that you discovered my insurance blog. I started doing research on insurance when I decided to get a new policy. I wanted better insurance coverage at a cheaper price. After learning about insurance and the different terms that are often used to write up a policy, I felt confident that I could purchase the best insurance for my needs. I've written down the information that I've learned in this blog so that I can help others better understand their insurance policies too.

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